The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
Good put word in for TSW Apogee Diva's with bat Rex mono blocks.great sound stage width and Depth just right amount decay on strings and piano.
As I mentioned before, the Infinity IRS-V's are the best sounding speakers i've ever heard, though in many ways my current Magico S5's are better. The S5's don't have the dynamic headroom of the Infinity's, nor the 3d imaging or off-axis performance...however they are more resolving of inner detail from the low bass region to lower mids, they have more texture and body the IRS & more seamless and coherent. There is also a greater quality to the sound which is to be expected given the S5's superior drivers, crossover, cabinet & internal wiring. And the S5 is more room friendly with placement. So it depends on how you define "best".
As I mentioned before, the Infinity IRS-V's are the best sounding speakers i've ever heard, though in many ways my current Magico S5's are better. The S5's don't have the dynamic headroom of the Infinity's, nor the 3d imaging or off-axis performance, however they are more resolving of inner detail from the low bass region to lower mids, they have more texture and body than the fives & are more seamless and coherent. There is also a greater quality to the sound which is to be expected given the S5's superior drivers, crossover, cabinet & internal wiring. The S5 is also more room friendly in terms of placement. So it depends on how you define "best".
I have not heard them w new amp...but that is probably the long term plan.
Have an Ayre VX-R non 20..will see how it does..I am confident in my room and habits it will be fine...if I do upgrade will likely top out w that. No upgrade if I go w Richards amp..
Cables are all AQ: Eagle Eye, Niagara, Sky, and Type 6 in a true shotgun bi wire.
Am I the only person who doesn't "get" Magico speakers. I have heard them in a number of top flight systems, with Dartzeel and Constellation amplification amongst others. Dynamic, neutral, transparent, yes, yes and yes, but just to dry and sterile for my tastes. I am sure it is a defect in my ears and character, not to think Magico are unbeatable, but I suppose it takes all sorts of enthusiasts in our hobby/obsession.

The best I have heard and it suprises me to say so, is the Wilson Alexias. I have never liked Wilson, until I heard them with sympathetic amplification, in the first instance, ARC tube amps. The best though, was the Alexias with D'Agostino pre and Monoblocks, just magical. In fact I couldn't really find any fault in the system, except the insane cost. Almost as good at a mad, rather than insane costs, was the same room and speakers with the Dartzeel integrated amp