"Budget" preamp choices.

All right, so here it is: I need a new preamp, preferably $750 or under. The rest of my system is as follows: Rega Saturn - Pass Aleph 3 - AKG K1000. Soundstage, beautiful mids, and detail are my biggest things. I've been considering getting the Rega Cursa, either 2000 or the recent '3' edition, to match my new CD player, but I'm open to all kinds of suggestions. The only restriction other than price are it can't be too tall, as my top-loading CD player already has the top space in my rig. I generally prefer solid state, but if you guys think tubes will add just the right ingredient to complete my rig, recommend away!
Adcom GFP-750 would be a good match and a used one is easily within budget.

Not the only reason to go for it, but this pre was designed by Nelson Pass for Adcom.

The pre is flexible in many welcome ways. Sonics are the priority, but the machine is also a functional tool. As the hub and traffic director for the system, its logistical tasks shouldn't be dismissed. Full remote that controls just about everything (example, balance via the remote is nice to have). There's a processor loop, can run passive or active, single-ended or balanced XLR's (for one input), can reverse stereo speakers with a knob (handy for trouble shooting) etc.

And its a very good sounding preamp. Typically best run passive, but you'll have to trial with the Aleph 3. My guess is that you'd end up using both in different circumstances. For some music you might want the quite and delicate purity, say for sparse vocals, or you might accept the slightest of hardening (not much at all really) to get the extra punch from running active.

Another alternative... you are very lucky, you might find a non-remote Aleph P preamp, for not much beyond the budget?

Bottom line though, I'd keep the Adcom on the shortlist - and don't be put off that Adcom doesn't typically suggest the same kind of high-end equipment as Pass, it is a very good machine.
Forget all of the above and look at the Maple tree tube preamp for under $700. Comes in a kit also if you want to save a few bucks. I recently hear one and it was musical as all get out. Fast, clean, slightly tube warmish but real musical. COmes witha 10 day trial offer too. If I wa starting over, I'd put in my system and laugh all the way to the bank. Paired very nicely with the Channel Island D-200 digital mono amps.

Happy Listening.
Audio Research LS-7 runs around $ 550-650.00 all tube design. Simple lean but musical.