Cayin A88T break in and biasing??

Just took a Jolida 302BRC back to a dealer to
get the A88 instead. I loved the Jolida no doubt,
but assumed the A88 would be a step up, and so far
all I can say is it has the potential but sounds
a little hard & brittle now.
Just wondering if anyone has had experience with it
and does it get better with time?
I need to know before I go drop another 1k on it.
Also...I never could get a handle on whether or
not the amp is self biasing or not?? Most people
say it is not and you have to take it out, flip it over
and bias it....that's crazy and would be a deal breaker
for sure!
Any help or thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.

BTW... I only had about 6-7 hours on it when I started
to give it a listen.
I spoke to the importer several weeks ago and the amp must be biased manually. I got the information here on the 'Gon on how to do it and performed the task in less than 20 minutes. I actually enjoyed it and got to see the innards of the thing in the process!
As far as sound goes, It started out as being part of a secondary bedroom system... The main system is seeing very little use since it arrived. Give it some time.

Thanks for all the input from everyone! I took back the
A88T and got back the Jolida and all is well again!
The Cayin is very sweet, but the Jolida is a better
match with my current system.
Oops - sorry about my mistake. Glad you called VAS though because there is a lot of conflicting information about Cayin since they have different models for each market. One of my local buddies has the A70 and he loves it. His Cayin dealer says the A70 sounds better than the A88. But if you are happy with the Jolida, keep it.

6 Moons has a super review on the A88, so I'm not sure if your comment on "brittle and hard" is justified.
I mean my Jadis OR KT90 does have its weakness, but overall its a superb image.
No tube amp in the under 2K range will be 'all things".
I've only heard good things on the A88, not one poor report. I will say tubes do make a huge difference. I bought a quad of EH 88's for my Jadis just to test as a comparison to the 90's, and did not care for the 88 at all. I also bought a 88 amp to test and same results, very flat.
Audio Research uses 88's and i do not care for ARC amp sound.
However Cayin makes a graet product as my Cayin 15 and 17's testify.
Bottom line, seek out some good KT88's and also play with the pre tubes. You have much more potential in this amp with the right tube.
I do not like the "british" sounding tubes, Mullards etc. I love RCA's NOS. Of course it can be expensive to roll tubes. Try to buy from a seller you trust and will take them back if you find that are not for you. Maybe a 25% re-stock fee may be part of the offer.
I have a local tech guy who helped me find incredible pre amp tubes for the Jadis and also for the Cayin 17.
Enjoy the amp in the meantime

I am not sure if you already know this but since you have already called Steve Leung at VAS and confirmed your question on biasing are you aware that Cayin's new amp does everything you are looking for? The new 100-T is a 50/100 watt integrated cloning of the famous Marantz 7/9 combo. Retail is suggested to be $2,995 and this amp has a bias meter and pots adjustments on top of the amp! They are due out this month, call Steve and ask him about them. I am a Cayin dealer in Hawaii and just ordered two, they are supposed to be incredible! VAS's website describes the amp with no picture. I have photo's if you want? email me at