Cayin A88T break in and biasing??

Just took a Jolida 302BRC back to a dealer to
get the A88 instead. I loved the Jolida no doubt,
but assumed the A88 would be a step up, and so far
all I can say is it has the potential but sounds
a little hard & brittle now.
Just wondering if anyone has had experience with it
and does it get better with time?
I need to know before I go drop another 1k on it.
Also...I never could get a handle on whether or
not the amp is self biasing or not?? Most people
say it is not and you have to take it out, flip it over
and bias it....that's crazy and would be a deal breaker
for sure!
Any help or thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.

BTW... I only had about 6-7 hours on it when I started
to give it a listen.
I just want to clarify some biasing issue with A-88T. Its true that A-88T is not auto-biasing and if you want to re-bias then you would have to flip/open/bias and put it back together. However, it is my understanding that you do not really need to bias it. It will work just fine if you just swap the tubes (KT88&6550). Its probably not going make a very big difference in sound, and depending on your preference you may actually like it.

I have the A-88T too and wanted to try the 6550. I took it to the local dealer, in san jose CA, to help me bias so I can see how it it is done. The owner is very knowledgeable about tubes and build his own tube amps, so I assume he knows what he is talking about. He told me that it is not necessary to bias the Cayin and would sound fine as it is. His own demo model, is using the 6550 and never biased it. This also explains why many A-88T owners who are trying different tubes but never re-biased thinking its auto-biasing and have never had any issues.

I bought the tubes 6550 from him and asked him to show me how to bias it anyway, which he graciously agreed(it is exactly as it is stated above). In fact mine is biased at 30mV with the 6550 and the recommended number is 42mV. I was told by this dealer that the Cayin will actually sound better (more upper extension) if you bias it a little lower. When you lower the bias then you are essentially lowering the power output a little, but in some cases it sounds better.

This is my understanding based on my research and talking to the distributor and my local Cayin dealer.

And one last point, if you have A-88T, then you must try the Tung Sol 6550 reissues. They sound very good as compared to the stock KT88. KT88 sounded a little bloated in the lower frequency in my system.
I have a Cayin A-70T and this is NOT auto biasing. There is a section in the manual which details how to bias the tubes, complete with recommended voltage settings. It's really a very simple process and you don't have to move a thing to do it, other than lift the cage off.

I searched the net as well and found that the lower wattage models state that those are auto-biasing. Maybe there's something about the US Version (VAS) vs. the others.
Your manual has biasing info ?
Mine , A-88T , is completely devoid of any info !
It took repeated emails to the European distributor to eventually receive some very skimpy instructions ! The North American distributor completely ignored my 3 emails to them !!!
Maybe this is a side affect of outsourcing ???
My dealer said that VAS is very slow in responding to emails and that I should call if I had any questions. I only needed to call once but I had no problem getting an answer.
I purchased mine from a dealer in PA who got it from VAS. I also noticed that some other A-70T's on the net that look somewhat different. There's some type of switch where mine has the bias adjustment and bias test points. Here are two pics of mine, including manual, fwiw.
