Personal amp evolution

Seeing the over night success of the speaker evolution thread, it may be interesting to see what type of amp(s) we have all run. Same deal as the other thread-we will sort of create a puzzle of our systems you'll have to visit multiple threads to put everything together!!! ;)
For me I started:
Adcom GFA-565 monoblocks
Rotel RB-990bx
Jeff Rowland Design Group Model 5
Balanced Audio Technology(BAT) VK-60

either a CAT JL2, BAT VK-75se or Tenor 75Wp on the horizon.
Sony DA777ES receiver (got full refund after 3 months)
Marantz SR18EX (loved it, but one day, suddenly converted to a 2ch guy)
Sonus Faber Musica (heck, I own Sigs, so why not?)
CJ Premier 11A (gosh, I thought 'this is it!') + FT Audio LW1 passive controller

And now, Berning ZH270 is on its way. Can't wait!
Main system amps used:

Huge, ugly, trashy Toshiba receiver (age 10-13)
NAD3020 integrated (got on the right path at the age of 13)
QUAD 404
Classe DR3
Classe VHC
Classe DR8 (2 of 'em, sold one off)*

Other systems:

Audio Refinement Complete integrated (office, sold)
NAD7250PE receiver(garage, sold)
NAD L40 all-in-one (bedroom, sold)
NAD7100 receiver (home office, sold)
NAD2100? amplifier (home office, sold)
Grado Headphone Amp (main system, sold)
Headroom Airhead headphone amp (travelling system)*
Linn Classik all-in-one (bedroom system)*
Linn Classik all-in-one (office system)*
NAD7100 (garage system)*
Proton 930 receiver (daughter's system)*
Carver HR752 receiver (son's system)*
Pioneer SX-3600 receiver (outdoor system)*
NAD T760 Home Theatre Receiver*
Pioneer Premier GM- X602 amplifier (car)*
Pioneer GM-X314 amplifier (car)*

Items in asterix I still own and use. Sheesh, I thought this list was going to be a lot shorter than the speaker post.
Bryston 3B, Krell KSA-50 Mk II, ARC D-70 Mk II, VTL Compact 100, Rowland Model 3, Krell KSA-80B, Krell KSA-250, Meitner MTR-100 monos, Krell KSA-100 Mk II, Classe DR-2 (bridged pair), VTL Tiny Triodes, Musical Fidelity A300, ARC CA-50. As of 4/7/02, I have an ARC D-115 Mk II driven by an ARC LS-15...and I had a 6-yr break from audio, somewhere in between all this! Pre-amps? Thats another story...

arc-vt100....aloia 13.01 x 2 ( biamped ).....tenor 75 WI,currently and probably for a long time.