Line Conditioner:To plug or not to plug Big Amp in

I am on the market for a line conditioner, the Belkin Pure AV PF60 seems to me is a good bargain.

I have both vintage Threshold and PASS Labs power amps.

What attracted me to the Belkin PureAV PF60 is that it has an isolation plug outlet for Hi-Current power amps.

Can you hook up a Threshold power amp like an SA/4e or Pass Labs 350.5 >into the Belkin PureAV PF60 or any line conditioner ? Or is the power amp with high current too
much for the Belkin? Both these amplifier have tremendous amp pull. Especially the Threshold SA/4e pure class A amp. Which is an incredible power amp by the way

Had tried other conditioners in the past with different power amps years ago and it did not work out. Either the line conditioner started to hum or reset. Or the power amp would sound thinned out it was not worth it.

I want protection on my Threshold and Pass labs amp. Currently plugging power amps directly to the wall.

Questions ??? :

Is there anybody familiar with the Belkin PureAv PF60 line conditioner ? Can it support a big hungry power amp ? Or am I just better off plugging my power amps directly into the wall and cross my fingers. Can a sudden loss of electricity hurt your equipment while your listening to it ?

I want protection but at the same time don't want to diminish my sound greatly. My electric is average as a suburb should. Once in awhile loss of electric like most people. No major logistic problems like some with the bad surges or electrical storms. Which I just unplug my equipment to be safe.

Thank you so much to all who help.
For the price of the Belkin, consider at least one dedicated line [3 is better] and perhaps a whole house suppressor at the panel. Few standalone AC units do anything good for most amps, esp. high power, high draw amps such as yours. A few tout "zero insertion loss" but claims and reality often diverge widely/wildly here.

That said, I've had good experience with the AudoiPrism units which actually seem to substantiate their claims. My units also cost less than some power cords, and the build quality is second to none. You might also consider the Blue Circle units and those from Audio Magic.
Forget about the Belkin stuff or Monster stuff for that matter. If you are into Pass Labs or Threshold, I would recommend the latest product lines from PS Audio, namely the Duet or Quentet to start with.

I don't trust any line conditioner for my big amp before as they all cut out a lot of the bottom end. Not any more with the Duet and the Quentet mentioned above. It even smooth out the top end as well in my case. Well worth the price. Of course, you get to have good power cord to complete the link.
OK. Sounds like forget about the Belkin line conditioner.

Is there any line conditioner than can support a very Hi-current power amp such as the Threshold SA/4e, Pass Labs 350.5? Or just go directly into the wall with the big amps.

Thank you again for your expertise.