McIntosh C1000 tube pre vs. ARC Ref 3?

Has anybody heard these against each other? Both are very well received by the audio press.

One product gets Product of the Year, and then the same reviewers declare the other "the best preamplifier ever" FROM ARC.

It's sort of like you dated around before you got married, and your wife is the one you married, but that one girl was "the best redhead" you ever dated. That's a slap in the face. They didn't say "one of the best preamps we've ever heard". They said "the best from ARC".

There is a massive difference, and I am sure you all see this and are just giving me a hard time for fun.

But I do agree with your need for a head to head comparison in your own system. There is also a need (for most of us) to get out there and gather as much info as possible from as many sources as possible. This is what GPGR4BLU did, and he made the correct decision.

How many people on the EARTH have done a comparison of an ARC 3 and a C1000 in their system? I would venture to guess that there are less than a dozen. The guy wanted info, and I provided that, WITH my disclaimer that I had NOT done a head to head comparison.

You guys just want to argue for fun, and that's cool b/c I can do that all day. But I'm right here.
>>I posted no strong opinion on anything I haven't heard.<<

I suppose if Bill Clinton can argue the meaning of "is" you certainly have the right to argue the meaning of "strong".

However, an opinion is an opinion. Perhaps YOU should go back and read the thread. One foot is comfortably inside; there appears to be plenty of room remaining for the other.
And another thing. . . McIntosh doesn't ADVERTISE with the magazine in question. Not that it has any bearing on the topic at hand, but I thought I'd point that out based on your insinuation that they are buying these awards.
Hantrax, Yes in a way I am just giving you a hard time as my opinion isn't worth all that much. However, I stand by my opinion that he ought to HEAR ( for the reasons above)them to decide for himself. Also and this might be a bit more controversial but ( with exceptions) " reviewers" opinioins are not worth worrying about one way or the other. To make a decision based on their 'latest and greatest' B.S. is silly. Trust what YOU hear and don't be influenced by these nimrods. JMHO - Jim
Are there any reasonable responses to the question of ARC REF 3 VS. McIntosh c1000? Has anyone A/B'd these two GREAT preamps? I've heard both, but at two different places with different speakers, and amps, etc. I'm looking to make a choice between these two preamps myself. I know I can't go wrong with either. I own a pair of Vandersteen 5A loudspeakers, and know the ARC REF 3 is a safe bet for my speakers, its just that I can get a great deal on either of these preamps so its difficult to just write off the McIntosh C1000. When I heard the C1000, the combo was somewhat cleaner and had an unforgettable pureness to the sound that wasn't as LARGE as the ARC Ref 3, but quieter and a bit darker. I'm torn!

Please help!