Personal amp evolution

Seeing the over night success of the speaker evolution thread, it may be interesting to see what type of amp(s) we have all run. Same deal as the other thread-we will sort of create a puzzle of our systems you'll have to visit multiple threads to put everything together!!! ;)
For me I started:
Adcom GFA-565 monoblocks
Rotel RB-990bx
Jeff Rowland Design Group Model 5
Balanced Audio Technology(BAT) VK-60

either a CAT JL2, BAT VK-75se or Tenor 75Wp on the horizon.
Benjamin portable system that I took to college
Marantz SR1000 receiver, gift from my parents
NAD 7140 receiver
NAD 2200 amplifier
Krell KSA 50 Mk. II (shoulda held that one)
Krell KSA 80
Audio Research M300s, which I had changed to Classic 150s after a few years
Jadis JA 80s (still use for 200hz up)
Meitner MTR 101 plusses, still have, debating selling
Sonogy Black Knight Mk II (below 200hz)
NAD, Denon, Macintosh receivers
Threshold SA300 (first separates)
C-J Evolution 2000
Lectron (wonderful low power French EL-34 driven amp)
Jadis Defy 7
Jadis JA200
Classe 301 (This was a downsize, or so I thought)
Atma-Sphere MA2-Mk2 (Best performance in my system)

A-S may last for awhile. Maybe an upgrade if made available
Main rig:
Parent's console stereo (1970's, blew the speakers...)
Sony 2 channel receiver (1983)
HK 2 channel receiver (1985)
Bryston 3B (1988)
Bryston 4B-ST(2000)

Home theater system:
Yamaha rxv-1103 Digital 5 channel receiver(1999)
Denon 1802 Digital/DTS/PL2 5 channel receiver(2001)
First amp--something I tore out of my great-aunt's 1950's vintage RCA console stereo. All tube, wish I could find it now!

Then B& K 220
Electrocompaniet AW250
Mesa Baron
David Berning ZH 270

I still have all of these, somewhere.
Sherwood S8000-III receiver
Dynaco Mark III (mono)
Two Dynaco Mark IIIs
MacIntosh MC2105
Mark Levinson 331
Two Mark Levinson 331s (bi-amped)
Mastersound Reference Parallel 845
(same as VAIC, still have)
Don Garber Fi Super X 2A3
Homemade Gordon Rankin's "Bugle" Stereo 45 (still
Wavelength Duetto (still have)
Electra-Print DRD 45 monoblocks (still have)
Electra-Print DRD 300B monoblocks (still have)