McIntosh C1000 tube pre vs. ARC Ref 3?

Has anybody heard these against each other? Both are very well received by the audio press.
Thanks for the illumination...seems obvious now and further listening will have an educational component... keep the recording simple and get out more!
I have a Mac 220 pre (Ayre V1xe,Silverline Grand La Folia, Ayre CD5xe) and a friend have a Ref 3 (DIY Orion,ATI amps, Reiymo CDP). We changed preamps for some days. In my system ref 3 has more warmth, more bloom and a fantastic big soundstage almost like surround. Mac was more accurate, more neutral and it has tone controls (which I like). I sligtly prefered Mac thinking that ref 3 was to warm. But I still missed that big soundstage.
In my friends system my Mac was clearly superior giving a more accurate and correct sound.
The 220 pre cost about half as much as the ref 3 so I think it is very good value. I have not listen to the Mac 1000pre.
Ulf - interesting. I have learned the most by swapping gear with local hifi buddies. What preamp did you replace with the C220? What other preamps have you tried in your system? Thanks

Since I deal in Manhattan with Lyric HiFi, great guys, and they have both I have just concluded an A/B. My system: ARC REF 3, ARC CD 7, ARC REF 110, Virgo 111's, NBS Omega Cables all around. I will admit that the system is tremendously accurate and transparent, but needs some warmth. I demoed the MAC for a few days and was almost sold. In many ways it does beat the ARC REF 3, but unfortunately IMHO it is simply colored. On many recordings, especially lean ones, it improves the musical element, but at the cost of accuracy. The clincher: on vocals such as Frank, Ella, and many opera singers I never felt that I was listening to the singers as I knew them. I could see many people however favoring the MAC. I still need more warmth, but can't go this direction. Still a great piece of equipment, just not for me.
Sparkster- Everything is colored. There is no such thing as perfection. Good luck in your search.
