Postive or Negative Results -Big Amp & Conditioner

I would like to take a poll on personal results with a big power amp. like a (Threshold SA/4e or Pass 350.5)plugged into a line conditoner/surge protection. If the results were good or bad. Meaning sound diminish. Or is it worth the loss of sound for protection of your power amp.

I have not yet tried a good line conditioner/surge protector on my power amps. Currently plugging directly into the wall.

So my vote is yet undecided.

Good -X ?
Bad -X ?

Be sure to give an explanation and or recommendation. No puny power amp apply. Just looking amps that have tremendous current that make your lights dim when turned on.
Fully agree with Nrchy.
My 2 pcs X350.5 did not benefit at all with my Running Springs conditioners. This does not mean that the Running Spring are bad, however, they do generate tremendous improvements when installed on my front end.
What I can tell you is that the PAD Dominus PC made fantastic improvements on my 350.5s.
Well, I could be wrong, but what I think Joe is asking is not if the power conditioner will improve the sound, but if the power conditioner will protect the amp w/o harming the sound.

I have had 2 power conditioners that I felt did a good job of not degrading the sound of a BAT VK-600SE, yet providing surge protection. These were the Shunyata Hydra 2, and the Running Springs Audio Duke.
Most other power conditioners I've tried have restricted the sonics to some degree.
Bingo Jmcgrogan2. Thank you for clarifying.

"asking is not if the power conditioner will improve the sound, but if the power conditioner will protect the amp w/o harming the sound".

BPT's balanced isolation transformers/conditioners work great. Have one on my Belles Reference 350 and it helps, not limits the sound in any way.

It's very simple. It depends on the amp. You have to try it to determine if it works or not. That's all.

I had 3 different McCormack amps where the Shunyata Hydra was an improvement.
Now wih my Pass Labs X250.5, Hydra slows the amp down and limits dynamics. It still does work good for source and preamp. But not for the Pass amp. I prefer it directly into the wall. Although I live in NYC and the power is crap, the X250.5 amplifier deals with dirty power without any issues. I can not determine any noise floor that is apparent. If it's there, it is no higher than it is with the amp plugged into hydra.

As far as protection, there is a magnetic breaker/switch on the back of the Pass amp that functions like a fuse. Bottom line is, you need to try a conditioner in your system. Until then, it's a guessing game.