How many us a Line Conditioner with a Big SS Amp

How many us a Line Conditioner with a Big Solid State power amplifier ? Such as a Big Threshold, Pass Labs, Krell, Levinson.

I am still not sure on using a line conditioner on my big power amps.

Thank you for your help.
Tvad, I have not. This is more general mr shunyata. By the way the Shunyata Hydra crapped out when used with my amplifier. So will be donating the Hydra to the needy.
the Shunyata Hydra crapped out when used with my amplifier. So will be donating the Hydra to the needy.
Joefama (Threads | Answers)
Be sure to contact Shunyata for warranty coverage.

BTW, if your Hydra was operating properly...(and it's rated up to 20amps)...then you might have a dangerous situation with your household wiring or breaker box. You might consider having it checked by an electrician.

Do you ever trip circuit breakers? If the Hydra's protection circuitry kicked in, then it's odd that your circuit breakers didn't trip without it...unless your circuit is rated higher than 20 amps.

Anyway, yours is a puzzling situation. Something seems abnormal to me, but I'm no electrician...
Joefama, I use the Running Springs Audio Jaco line conditioner, which is non current limiting, with my Pass Labs XA-100's and Threshold SA-1's with great success and no sonic downside as far as I can tell.

You will get many different opinions regarding ever to put power amps on line conditioners, so you will have to experiment/audition a few to see what happens in your system.