Options to replace Supratek Chennin Pre

Looking for suggestions for a replacement pre for my Supratek Chennin Preamp. I absolutely love most everything about this pre except in my system it is slightly lean. I would like to stay with tubes unless the nature of tube pres is to be a little lean. HT pass thru is a requirement. The Supratek has a HT pass thru and I love how simple it is to backdoor HT through the hi fi. Price range will be about $3,500.00 new or used. I want something that will retain or exceed the holographic, open, precise sound stage that the Supra offers but with more slam and extension in the bass. I recently pulled the pre out of the system and ran direct from the wadia 861 and bass slam was improved to an exceptable degree but obviously lost all benefits of tubes.
Wadia 861
Parasound JC 1s
Vandy 3A sig
2WQ subs
Audioquest Cheetah, Cardas Golden Cross intercon
Alphacore MI2 spk cable bi wired
Wow! Ecclectique you really know your stuff. You have described EXACTLY what my system sounds like with the EH tubes. I could not have described it better myself. I will definately pick up the tubes you have suggested. Thank you so much. I have been struggling with this issue for a couple of years now and am very excited at the possibility of fixxing this issue without more gear changes.

I Agree with Ecclectique, Changing 6SN7 tubes is a BIG difference, bigger than changing cables!
I recently went all around tube rolling 6 different pairs:
RCA grey plate is good and will let you know what you are missing but not the best, Sylvania Crome tops are kinda aggressive, I have some flat plates with some brand I forgot which are horrible even if they are NOS....watch out!
How about the Pope 6SN7s? I asked a very well-respected tube seller in the U.S. for the best NOS 6SN7s in his opinion and this is what he sold me.

Don't have the preamp yet to try them.
I agree that Kenrads are great for bottom end especially. The Tungsol round plates are overvalued according to a few tube experts I know. The RCA VT231s are another good suggestion. You can get used ones on ebay for low cost, decide what sounds best and then buy NOS later if something floats your boat. Cheers,
Got some RCA 6SN7 VT-231 grey glass, black plates coming. Should have them on Friday. I hope this is the right one as Ive seen there are many different flavors of this tube. Ill post the results after switching out. Still on the lookout for the Kenrads though. Thanks again for the help.