Opinions on Audio Research LS17 & LS26

Geting ready to purchase new preamp. Interested on opinions/experiences with ARC LS17 & LS26. Thanks.
i auditioned the ls17 ad ls26 side by side, same system :
wilson w/p #8; arc ref110, k5xe , transparent ultra mm cable + transparent intercons. room accoustics - somewhat damped [not my livingroom]

the ls17 performed nicely overall, but there was no compariso with the ls26. i found the differences somewhat substantial compared to the ls17, perhaps more so than davemitchell suggested . going with the ls17 is a big compromise, if you have very revealing speakers.

one thing i have learned in the last few months of itense equipment auditioning: , if other parts of your system arent up to a similar levels of sound reproduction, and you dont plan to upgrade the weakest links in the chain, then the differences afforded by the ls26 may not amount to much by the time the music comes thru the speakers ! it's as much an issue of real world budget as listening aims. that said, the ls26 was significantly better than the ls17 in my evolving system.

other: i listen to mostly classical music, much of it chamber music. conservatory trained. nuance is critical to me.

I have just taken an LS 26 instead of a LS 25MKII, and my opinion was in the negative: the bass is slow, very heavy. Then, I worked on cables and valves on getting a good improvement. I speak only for low range, medium-high on the 26 is better than 25; LS 26 - same of 25MKII - driving Nuforce 9SE V2 mono amps, with Magneplanar 1.6
I just broke in my Audio Research LS17 and it is amazingly good. I have had many so called reference preamps in my system but this unit is truely light years ahead of any preamp I have heard. These incude BAT, Cary, Audible and Mcintosh, Calypso (all tube units).Please do yourself a favor and seek this unit our (one with at least 200 hours on it) and listen. It is all about the music and it is the closest preamp I have heard to not having one at all and going directly into my amp from the CD player. It disappears and throws a stage like you have to experience. Micro detail, decay and imaging stage is incredible! I have no idea why this unit is not receiving glorious press or reviews not that they mean much these days. Our so called press is the best money can buy.
Well you must have a very unique system I can't fathom how an LS 17 can best a Calypso.
It doesn't depart any signature of its own. I am not saying that the Calypso is less of a product but this is (LS17) truly wire with gain. I always advocate that you must try everything with your own system before passing your thoughts along. Yes I have what I feel is a great system. If you have a Calypso try this unit. You may or may not agree with with me. But I am still stoked over the sound I currently have.