BAT vk-52SE vs ARC Ref 3 vs CJ CT 5

OK so I have a conundrum. Do I replace a BAT VK-51se with one of these? I use all BAT tube equipment and QUAD 988 speakers, plus a turntable and sub. I may change the speakers, but the pre-amp is the thing now. I have heard the CJ CT6 and found it very involving, a bit narrow in sound stage but deep, and tuned a bit higher in tone then the 51SE. Any comparrisons made by anyone on any of these (51SE or 52SE) and the others.
Sorry to hijack this thread, but will the Placette RVC work well with a Plinius SA-100Mk3 amp and Krell KPS-30i CD player?

WOuld appreciate if someone could respond.

Ask Guy Hummel from Placette (hope I spelled his name right). He is an honest guy.
RVC stands for Remote Volume Control - it can be used to add remote control wiht preamplifiers that do not have remote capability. When I used it in this way with my CAT SL1, I could hear no change in the sound of the CAT, the RVC is that transparent; and it added not only remote capability, but very fine gradations of volume settings with the stepped attentuator of the CAT. I think it is worth the price just for adding these two capabilites to otehrwise wonderful sounding preamps.