Opportunity to buy the best Preamp... but which?

On the tube front... AR Ref3 vs. CJ ART3 vs. VL TL-7.5 vs. Wavac PR-T1?

Or on the SS front... Burmester 808Mk5 vs Dartzeel NHB-18NS vs Krell Evolution2 vs MBL 6010D vs Halcro DM10?

My preference would be a neutral tube based model.

Any opinions?

>>I'm in the market for a new pre-amp with almost no budget constraint<<

We all should have such problems.

Why not buy 2 or 3?
I would.
I have to agree with Marty & Swampwalker:
VAC Renaissance Signature Mk. II with phono.
I believe the guy who sold it to me commited suicide (just kidding), but I know he misses it.
Sounds & looks are absolutely stunning!
Are there any new designs that leapfrog all these top machines?


Only subjectively. In reality, no, there is simply no clear winner. Sorry, if only it were so easy, we would all just put the other companies out of business and all simply buy 'the best'. In the real world it doesn't work like that.

I don't think you can point out 'the best' in any field though. Cars, homes, boats, wines, ice cream flavors, preamps, amps, they are all just subjective choices.

In the end, only you can decide what you like.

There's been no discussion about SE/balanced... in preamps this can be a big deal on account of the interconnect cables.

So- if funds are unlimited for a preamp, what amps do you have? Will they accept either input?
Balanced operation is definately a big deal ultimately, and should be mentioned. As for "the best", it all depends on what your going for...sympnony hall/jazz club or pop/hip-hop..etc... If re-creating the ephemeral nature of live instruments is a standard, then one can limit the field substantialy. If one only needs to have sufficient bass and treble to connect to pointless pulsating rythms or the inconsequential ramblings of the pseudo-musicians so prevalent today...well, you see my point!