Personal amp evolution

Seeing the over night success of the speaker evolution thread, it may be interesting to see what type of amp(s) we have all run. Same deal as the other thread-we will sort of create a puzzle of our systems you'll have to visit multiple threads to put everything together!!! ;)
For me I started:
Adcom GFA-565 monoblocks
Rotel RB-990bx
Jeff Rowland Design Group Model 5
Balanced Audio Technology(BAT) VK-60

either a CAT JL2, BAT VK-75se or Tenor 75Wp on the horizon.
Here is an update on my amps! See below.......

Sansusi 800
Sansusi 8 (Still working in my cousins system)
MacIntoch CS 32 (pre-amp)
Mac 2205 Power amp
Mac 5100 (in another system I had)
Phase Linier 400 (power)
GAS Ampzilla ll (amp)
Therdra (pre)
Levinson ML-1 (pre)
ARC SP 6/SP 6A/ SP 6B (all great pre amps)
Conrad Johnson MV 75 (2) (power)
Conrad Johnson PV-5 (pre)
ARC SP 8 (pre)
Bryston (power)
ARC D 115 (power)
ARC SP 9 (pre)
ARC LS 25 (line)
ARC PH 3 SE (phone)
ARC VT 100 ll (power)

Replacing the Perreaux 2150B is the Perreaux 3150B AND replacing the ARC VT100 mkll is the ASL Hurricanes.
Hey RWD..."My morning smile"!!! I forgot to list the late great ARC D-115[ my all time favorite muscle amp in its day] as well as a pair of the original Mark Levinson ML-2 monos,to this day,still the sweetest solid scrape amps I have ever heard![ At 25 watts/channel no less]They could drive the Dayton Wright E-stats to higher SPL's than the 700 watt/channel Phase linear 700b! Sounded phenominal on the Quad 57's or anything else for that matter.I should start a new thread on preamps as I noticed you listed yours.IS there a thread already?
This is my evolution:

Carver “The Receiver 150”
Yamaha RX-V 590
Yamaha RX-V 990
B&K Ref 20 (pre)
ATI 1505
Adcom GFA 5500
McCormack Deluxe 1
McCormack DNA 225
Perreaux E160
EAD TheaterMaster Ovation (upgraded to Ovation 8){pre/pro}
Cinepro 3K6 Mark II
EAD PowerMaster 6300
Cambridge Audio receiver (circa 1973)
Pioneer 626 receiver
Onkyo int amp (25WPC)
Pioneer receiver (100WPC)
Parasound 1200 stereo amp
Parasound 750 stereo amp (2 run as monoblocks)
Bryston 4B ST stereo amp
Bryston 7B ST monoblocks
Krell 400cx stereo amp
1. Panasonic 4 wpc mini-receiver with ic amp section.
2. Pilot 25 wpc integrated solid-state amp
3. Yamaha CR640 40 wpc receiver
4. Nakamichi 630 100 wpc class B solid-state power amp
5. Mitsubishi DA10 100 wpc solid-state power amp
6. Hafler DH200 100 wpc solid-state power amp kits - bought, built, modified, sold several
7. Robertson 4010 60 wpc solid-state power amp
8. Audio Research D115 Mk. II 100 wpc tube power amp
9. Spectral DMA80 100 wpc solid state power amp
10. Music Reference RM-200 100 wpc tube/solid-state hybrid power amp

All served their purpose admirably. The last two were by far my favorites. The last one very much so.