Jeff Rowland Capri preamp

Has anyone heard Jeff Rowland's new preamp, Capri, or know anything about it? It looks pretty interesting:

If no-one is familiar with this particular model, any comments on Jeff Rowland's preamps in general?

Even though it gives me pause (yuck), I agree with your shorthand, but "tube sound" is so broad that it is dangerous. As you know, some tube amps are very colored and euphonic, particularly at the less expensive end of the "quality" scale. Many, IMHO, are designed with the attitude of "let give them what they want" rather than with a view toward accuracy.

Unfortunately, when many hear "tube-like" I'm afraid that euphonia the image counjured up. People with that image in there heads (I venture to say that's roughly half our readers here) will likely be sorely disappointed in the Capri. The Capri will NOT smooth out the hardness of their cheap CDP or DAC and they'll report something like, "the Capri is hard edged sounding in my system, but my XYZ amp is 'musical'". (Neither will the "best" tube preamps, which is what I think you're referring to).

Well, I've had the Capri for over a year now, for me thats pretty long ( the next longest serving component is the cd player at 6 months ), every other component from the interconnects to the speakers have been upgraded but the Capri is staying for the forseeable future.
Pause, you may not be the only one holding on to the Capri. . . if the drying up of used Capris offered on Agon is any indication, it looks like more and more audiophile may be finally ketching on that this is a great linestage, regardless of physical size and moderate price.

In the meantime, new Capris are shipping briskly from the factory. G.
Just recently bought one here on audiogon...everything on that amp is as close to perfect as it could be for the price. The optional phono-stage is outstanding. Surely this is something I will not give away anymore, at least until I'm finally deaf...