Pass Labs XA- ".5" ???

Is this true?
AudioFeil. I am Not Wrong.

Read my forum. I said they were about to release the XA-.5 series for Pass Labs. When asked about the XA-160 monos about a price Peter told me it would be about $5K per amp for the upgrade "per amplifier".

I said ouch ! Living in CT it would cost about $11K for the upgrades. I only said this because I have a friend who is selling his Pass Labs XA-160's for $7500 cash on the pair.

I don't want to spend $7500 then in the near future spend another $11K if I want the best. Because before the year is up XA-160's will be selling below $6K for the pair. If the XA-160.5 is that much better than the XA-160.

AudioFeil, I know you are a Pass Labs dealer so there clearly is an agenda to sell new product. So say what you want to say. But I talked with Peter Perkins and Nelson Pass recently.

You cannot send a pair of XA series amps to Pass and have them upgraded to XA.5 series. Perhaps the cost "upgrade" you allude to is the price difference between the current XA model and its' XA.5 counterpart.

Call Peter and get clear on that. You misunderstood.

I have an email from Pass to all dealers stating that very fact.

Agenda? I don't think so. You haven't read enough of my posts old buddy.
Unisound and All
Just for fun...who can name a speaker that would present a load the XA-160's could not handle? Let's try to make a BIG list.... everyone is invited.

Gandme, I think you'd have be very specific as to what the criterion for "handle" is.