Pass Labs XA- ".5" ???

Is this true?

I had the X-350 paired w/ Audio Physic Virgo II's. The Virgo's are 4 ohm and 90db. When I listend to Jazz the meter never moved... and I have a large room. But if I put on Led Zepplin 1...
I could get it bounc'in! I think the original 350 was rated 20 watts class A.

Driving VSA jr's, said to be 88 db, the meter would swing to 2 or 3 pm on quite loud levels of big band jazz. And it would regularly swing to 1 pm at "regular" loud levels.

Pass Labs told me the amp could handle much more than what I described, without distorting and the amp would be just fine.
Even though the meter may move, I highly doubt the amp is outputting anywhere near its rated power. All I was trying to do was support gandme's claim that the XA160 can power almost all speakers without a problem. The fact that the meters move indicating a transition from class a to class a/b operation has nothing to do with my contention that I do not believe most people need all that much power.
So Joefama, are you all straightened out on the upgrade situation?

Just wondering because you seem to have disappeared.

Do you enjoy humble pie plain or a la mode?