Pass Labs XA- ".5" ???

Is this true?
I have been very interested in the new XA.5 amps for a while now. I have the XA160 and have a sneaking suspicion (unfounded though) that maybe they are a bit unpowered and perhaps an impedance mismatch for my pre. The new XA100.5 specs shows more power, higher input impedance, and higher damping factor. Has anyone had the chance to listen to any of the now available XA.5 amps? Here is what Nelson Pass said about the new XA.5 amps compared to the current XA series:

They tend to sound like a cross between the earlier XA and X.5

Comparing the XA.5 to the XA's, our subjective listeners
consistently report:

The soundstage is larger and deeper.

Placement is more accurate.

The bottom end is tighter.

The midrange has greater definition.

There is strong similarity in the upper mid and top end.

Our measurements show:

Greater power, current, speed, and damping.

Lower distortion and noise.

Comparing the XA.5 to the X.5's, we see simiilar results
subjectively, except that the mid and top is smoother.

Objectively, the distortion is lower.
Tboooe, I have heard the new XA.5 amps in a very good system and I could not tell the difference between my XA-100's and the new XA.5 amps. So, if I were you I would just relax or put your money in other pieces in your system.
Thanks Teajay...I am now fully relaxed thank you...not sure what me asking a question has to do with being relaxed though. Thanks again.
09-02-07: Teajay
Tboooe, I have heard the new XA.5 amps in a very good system and I could not tell the difference between my XA-100's and the new XA.5 amps. So, if I were you I would just relax or put your money in other pieces in your system.
Teajay (System | Reviews | Threads | Answers)

I assume you had the XA-100 there in that system for comparison. Right?