Ever notice change in resisitance of vol control?

I currently have a DK Signature integrated. I've also had a Plinius 9200, Anthem seperates, Marsh seperates, McIntosh MA 6900, NAD M3. I've noticed something subtle in many if not all of my former preamps/ or integrated volume controls that I've had. Periodically as I've take my system through various adjustments, ie. changing power cords on an integrated or pre, or plugging and unplugging integrateds/preamps for various reasons, or even recently when I unplugged everything to clean and treat all connections, I noticed the "feel" of the volume control can change. By "feel" I mean the amount of resistance, for lack of a better word, that the volume control maintains. At one point in time the volume control will be a little more tight to turn it and then at another point because of adjustments like power cord changes or plugging/ unplugging an integrated or preamp, the volume control will have a looser feel and the tighter feel in turning it decreases. I know it sounds anal, but it's something I've noticed over the years in various preamp/ or integrated volume controls.

Anyone else notice this change in the firmness/feel when turning the volume control and know what accounts for it?

I'm not referring to anything like a volume control or pot wearing out. What I'm refering to is like a product of a voltage or electricity change in the preamp. Along with this change in the "feel" of the volume control there is always a change in the way the systems sounds -all apparently a result from disconnecting-reconnecting/plugging /unplugging the equipment. Sure, I know when adjustments are made like power cord changes, plugging and unplugging amps, etc. that the sound of the system will change and everything moved has to re-settle before the sound stablizes. But does this relate to the feel of the volume control too? Thanks
Herman, it's cool. I'm rational but overly anal about audio and some other things too, and I'll risk losing my credibility here. I've never requested a post be deleted here and it's more hassle than it's worth. I feel I've contributed enough valuable feedback in these forums to withstand a small hit for an audiophile-anal post... What the heck, I'll admit to being obsessed with all things audio-it's not my worst fault but it's a biggy. I believe there are plenty of us. Aball.. thanks man! I follow your posts with interest and you always seem to be out there and at the ready with valuable feedback and one of the gentleman of audio in this community. I appreciate you man. I'm sure I must be spending too much time in these forums- but I'm as obsessed with Audiogon as much as audio gear.
Sure! I know exactly what you're talking about. However, in my system, I've noticed the volume control feel is not dependent on the power cords used.

It depends on how much I had to drink.
The only other (!) reason is mechanical: the knob turns differently due to friction (axis touching chassis, lubing changing due to temperature etc).
The sonic variability... isn't, don't worry about it.