Nuforce with Stillpoints ERS fabric

Anyone ever try the Stillpoints ERS fabric with Nuforce amps? I have an RFI issue and wondering if this would take care of it. I only have the issue with my BAT VK-P5 phono pre. I get a buzz out of both channels and I have narrowed it down to RFI emmitted by the Nuforce amps. I have put my amps up for sale because of this, but if this will take care of it, I will keep them. I really like these amps and am hopining this will be the ticket.
Are you sure it isn't a ground loop problem? Ground loop hums are easy to eliminate.
Briefly, how did you come to the conclusion it's the amplifiers?

Describe your Voltage Alternating Current system, Romex, metal clad, dedicated breaker, shielded power cords, balanced interconnects, star grounded, cable TV on the same circuit? How does you FM sound?
I was using Discovery cables for the whole vinyl chain. I have been changing out cables, MIT, Nordost and Radio Shack, none of them resolve the buzz issue. I even tried wrapping the cables in aluminum foil, did nothing to help. I can move the cables and that also will affect the level of the buzz, similar to an antenna affect. I don't remember having this issue with the previous phono pre, ARC PH-5. At least it wasn't bad enough for me to notice. With the BAT pre I had this issue without the turntable connected. That is another option, replace phono pre and i would rather replace the amp than the phono pre.
Actually that is one of the products that's recommended for tweaking the Nuforce amps. Check out this sight for more info.
I have Nuforce 9SE's and have found the Stillpoint ERS material to make a material improvement in the sound. However, they did not solve the problem I had with both amps humming. After E-mailing Jason at Nuforce, I found the answer lies in AC grounding. Do not float the grounds on the amps and if possible have the amps and preamp connected to the same circuit. That solved the humming problem for me. Good luck. Jason may have further suggestions.