Class D amp driving Thiel

I was honing in on a 2 channel system and had seriously narrowed down the contenders until last Saturday. After not being impressed with a pair of B&W CM7's I was encouraged to listen to a set of Thiel 1.6.

It was amazing. Driven by a Bryston amplifier they had detail and precision with beautiful tonality. Yes, they did lack bass under 50 hz. But completely different and world's better than the Thiel's I owned and powered with tubes years ago. So now I have to rethink things. I have only a small shelf for the SB3 and amplifier and can't fit (or afford) anything above 30 lbs or 5 inches tall.

Maybe a second hand Krell 400xi would work but Krell's rap is that they can be bright and fatiguing. And I can't do anything bigger or costlier. While the Naim forum has good reports of Thiel's being driven by even a Nait 5i I am a little cautious based on my previous experience. As I learned the hard way you have to muscle up on Thiel's or they sound bright and nasty.

So, the thought of a class D amp came to mind. Small, light, and powerful. Though I haven't even heard one before (hard to find them in Chicago, believe it or not) my interest is piqued. But would it be up to driving the load I am contemplating without getting bright or harsh? Any thoughts but more importantly experiences are appreciated.
I hear Bel Canto ref 1000 & M300 driving 2.4. THey sound excellent, wide image, tight deep bass great mid range. I have never herd the Thiels sound that dynamic.
John Potis over at Six Moons just reviewed the Bel Canto e.One REF1000 digital amps driving his Thiel 2.4's and really liked the pairing. The Bel Cantos may be over budget new but there is a used pair up for sale.
look into the following used...plinius, sonographe, other bryston models, mccormick, krell...the thiels aound dynamic and smooth with least 100wpc
I'm really happy with my Channel Islands D200's also. Can't comment on the Thiel's. I'm driving Vandy 3 Sigs. Pretty amazing amp. If you can, I second Getheleadout's advice.
My 1.6s sound great driven by a Classe CAP-151 integrated which is 150 wpc. You want a high current amp and something that leans toward the "warm end" to compliment the detail in your Thiels. The real solution for the bottom end, however, was to add a Rel Britannia 3 sub, which made them glorious: full bass and much improved percussion and soundstage. Choice of CDP will also bring out the best in these speakers. I went with a Cary 308T with Mullard tubes, which has taken the last bit of harshness out of the chain. Best of luck,