preamp for berning/merlin/audio aero system

I am looking for recommendations for a tube preamp for a Berning ZH 270/Merlin VSM MX/Audio Aero Capitole Mk II SE system. I have heard very good things about the First Sound Presence Deluxe MK II, Lamm LL2, Hovland 100 or 200, Joule 150A, Herron VTSP-2, among others. Do any of the preamps listed,for instance, have greater synergy than any of the others with the rest of the system? I listen to a lot of jazz and classical right now, and rock. Like most, I like a musical sound, not bright, but detailed, with good separation between instruments, treble extension and sharp bass. Any insights will be greatly appreciated.
In my experience, the Berning sounds lousy without a preamp. It does plenty great, but it isn't Superman. I don't know a single user who has tried any of the preamps mentioned above and concluded to run the Berning direct.
Also, unless plans have changed, I heard from David and Allen that their coming preamp is a SOTA design and will be priced somewhere > $10000. So it might not be in your range. Cheers,
Sbank, I purchased a First Sound Deluxe 2.0 Mk II, which is being inspected by Emmanuel Go and upgraded. I should have it in about a week. I have been using the Berning straight out of a cd player (Anthem cd 1 while my AA Capitole is being upgraded to SE). The sound is not great right now. I am gratified to read your comments because I was expecting something much better. Don't get me wrong, the Berning really drives the Merlins (good bass,nice detail), but the sound lacks refinement. I am very much looking forward to receiving the preamp. I will post a follow-up after the preamp is in place and I can do some before and after comparisons. Regards, Kevin
The FS has a great reputation. I've heard them at shows, but never at home. From what I've read here, should be a fine match. Looking forward to reading your reaction after you get some time with it...Cheers,
Spencer, I received the FS from Emmanuel Go (via Swampwalker - both excellent to deal with) yesterday. I hooked it up and.....the transformation was phenomenal. The FS has pinpoint imaging, real energy,and wonderful tone. I was amazed at the before and after. The highs are extended, the midrange is crystal clear, and the bass has excellent impact and definition. There really is no comparison. The FS kept all of the virtues of the Berning but brought the whole system to a new level, and something I've never experienced before. The Berning/FS combo shows real synergy. Fyi, I changed out the stock tubes with Mullard Blackburns, having read some threads on these discussion forums. I did not do a before and after on the stock vs. Mullard tubes so cannot offer any insight there. Regards, Kevin
Hi Kevin- I'm so glad that you are enjoying the FS. It was definately a great pre; I only sold it because I wanted a full-function to kick my vinyl rig into motion (too many boxes and cables)! Enjoy!!!