Searching for a Pre-Amp??

I'm in the market for a tube preamp to match up with a Blue Circle BC 24 hybrid stereo power amp. I already have a good idea of what Blue Circle preamps would be great, but I'd also like to get an idea out side the company of what might suit this amp. $1500- $2K used or new.

System: DVD/nosDAC combo > ???? > BC24 > GMA Callistos.

Thank you to all who resond!
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Having owned one, I would suggest the Modwright 9.0 SE.
Exceptional build quality,very musical and priced favourably.
What kind of sound are you looking for?

You may like a Joule LA-100III that I have for sale here.
I am not familiar with the Blue Cicle stuff.
Stay out of trouble I have get myself into : ARC pre-amp will make POP and crack sound when mute function is on or volume up and dowm at low level if your power amp are not ARC designed.