Question about Accuphase A60 amp


I'm interested in buying the Accuphase A60 amp. My only concern is about its (relatively) low max power.
I would like to ask all the A60 owners here what is the max power that they have reached in listening use with this amplifier (and with what kind of speakers) ?
The max value that was displayed by the power meter in front of the amp.
Thanks for all answers.
Nobody has a A60 amp ?
The users of A50 or A50V could answer too, because thoses amps are very close of the A60, IMHO.
Nico G,

I have a A50v and I wouldn't worry about the low runs at class A for the entire 50 watts. This amp puts out probably more power cleanly than 90% of the amps on the market today. The amp will drive any speaker down to a 1ohm load. It is very sweet and smooth in sound I have had mine for the past 6 years and is the one piece of gear that I do not mess with. the led has only shown that about 2-3 watts max when I was really pushing the just does not break a sweat.
Thnaks for your answer, ooslik.
I think my choice is almost done : I have seen a reseller today that propose me a fair price...
What is your speaker, for my information ?