ARC VT-100 mk1 or BAT VK-60?

I've been considering ARC VT-100 or Bat VK-60. I have never listened sound of both yet. Anyone comment which is better sound to drive my JMlab speakers with 91db, 8ohm, 150w. My room is 20m2. I listen mainly rock and jazz.
Thanks to all in advance.
I have not heard the BAT, but as to ARC, I prefer the VT-130 over the 100 or 200. It is an older design, IMHO sounds better. There are some great upgrades available for it.
If it means anything to anyone, the amp I owned before the BAT VK-120 monoblocks was the ARC VT130. IMHO in my system the BAT was the better amp by far.
VK60 Hands down ! My VK60 replaced my Bryston 3BST and 2BLP biamped.. Surprisingly, it is better in all frequency with wider and deeper sound stage plus 3D holographic imaging.