Modwright 9.0SE or Rogue 99 Magnum

I am trying to decide on a tube preamplifier for a 2 channel setup. I am on the fence between a Modwright 9.0SE and the Rogue 99 Magnum. Has anybody compared the two close enough to comment or offer an opinion.
I have only heard the 99 (not Magnum) in my system. I own the Modwright. I agree with what Jeff says above.
However I recently had the Modwright upgraded with the tube PS and the differences are substantial. It is much fuller in body and tone with a much larger soundstage, particularly in depth. Yet the dynamics and PRAT of the SS rectified unit are retained and resolution is slightly increased. All pluses, no minuses and an incredible bargain.
I have owned a Modwright and a Rogue.The Mod with the Tungsol premium tubes won everytime in my system.
Another big vote for the Modwright Pre - from those of us across the water in the UK.