VTL TL2.5 Preamp

Can anyone shed any light on this tube pre-amp, I'm considering one? I never considered tube "anything" before, but did like the sound very much. Matched with a SS amp.
I've enjoyed it for years in a dedicated second system.
To get the most out of it replace the stock tubes with Telefunkens and it becomes a real sleeper.
In fact, warmed up it competes with much more expensive units and easily beats the 5.5 unless tubes are rolled in it.
I recently was looking to simplify and downsize when I bought a tube integrated amp, but could not live with the results.
The trade off was so huge, I would rather pass on having the system if it didn't have the 2.5 in it.
A true bargin and keeper.
How would this amp pair with either a Bryston 4B SST or
Mac252 amp, and Focal-JM Labs 800 series speakers?
I owned a 2.5 for a couple of years, and it is a real bargain. The optional phono stage is quite nice as well. Tubed with Mullard/Telefunken tubes, it really soared. The MultiCap upgrade from VTL was worthwhile, and inexpensive. My dealer let me borrow a Classe' preamp while the 2.5 was at VTL, and I really missed it.

Consistently excellent results with VTL ST-85, MB-125's and ST-150. I used it with a Plinius SA-100mkII for a few months as well...nice sounding combo, but I went back to an all-tube system.

In an all-tube system, I preferred Tele's. With the Plinius, the slightly warmer tone of the Mullard tubes worked best.
I bought a second-hand unit in 1999. I have enjoyed the unit and have had no problems with it. With the solid metal remote, I also find the build quality outstanding for the price I paid. Although I have not replaced the stock tubes or caps, I am now interested in the positive statements of others as to these mods.
I agree with the above comments, I have one and have used it with both a VTL st85 and my Mac 252, sounds very nice with both, very nice phone stage too, just a fine value, I heard VTL prices are going up,so you may want to snag one now.