Headphone Amp Recommendation

I am trying to decide between the Meier-Audio Arietta and the Channel Islands Audio VHP-2. Both have gotten good reviews. The Arietta is the budget version of the Corda Aria--without the D/A which I don't need.

Has anyone compared these 2 or have comments on either?

Go to HeadFi.Com, there is a hugh headphone community there w/ plenty of input/experiences..
I'll just chime in here about head-fi...what a bunch of persnickety TOOLS! and i'm not saying that just because i was banned ;-)

Really...be careful of the advice over there. Many are younger guys who don't have much money to spend and rave about everything they own. and they ARE a bunch of persnickety tools. I hate it over there.
I would match up your AT with an amp that works best with lower impedance phones. Creek OBH21 can do low or high impedance (more dynamic) or the GRADO RA-1 battery (smooth and very natural sounding with very good detail).

Not sure of the Meier but I think the ciaudio works better with Sennheisers.
I find Head-fi to be a valuable source for headphone related questions. I've contributed/received information several times and I'm an old fart FWIW. I'm not familiar with either of the amps you mention, but I just purchased a WA 6 from wooaudio.com and can recommend it very highly.