amp for Eminent technology LFT-8As

A co-worker is buying my Eminent technology LFT8As. I did not get to try them with anything other than a PS Audio HCA-2. The room is 22 feet by 22 feet. I believe the room was to big for this combination. They were great in a smaller room with that amp. The buyers room is 16 feet by 16 feet. I am looking for suggestions for other amps that have worked well with theses speakers in the $500 to $650 range used.So far I'm thinking Forte 3, Marsh A200, Parasound HCA-1500A,Acoustat Trans-Nova Twin 200 and McCormack DNA 0.5.
Ag insider logo xs@2xsaygrr
They do really well with tube amps,try to find one that is 100 watts per channel.
I'll tel you an amp to stay away from. The Anthem MCA-20. I was using a Portal Panache 100 watt integrated with my LFT-8As and went looking for more power. I got a good deal on the Anthem (200 watts) but it couldn't touch the sonics of the Portal.
I came so close to buying thr ET speakers a couple years ago it was scary, call Bruce as he is a pure pleasure to talk too and get info and opinions from.....great guy.