Zero feedback and class A,which is better?

hi I am in the market for a integrated amp I have a pair of Martin Logan Aerius speakers(non biwire type)What is more important to quality sound,class A amps or zerofeedback amps?Is there any amps out there that do both? I know that Simaudio is zero feedback and class A for the first 5 watts which just confuses me cause I don't think with logans i will ever use such a small amount of power,How do tube amps figure in this equation? cayin has a ss amp that is pure Class A, so far I am leaning to buy this Cayin 265ai amp,any advise thanks,Nick
My Aerius speakers, (...) can dip down to 1.6 ohms
Given that, you need an extremely well stabilised amplifier circuit to drive those speakers. Some map manufacturers do spec how difficult a load their product is designed to take -- so go with that.

"Class A" simply denotes the circuit biasing. If you like the sound (I for one, do like it) then go for ultra "stabilised" class A amp.
Why don't you ask Ralph from Atma (lurks around here s/times). He should know a thing or two -- he designs tube-based amps.
'Lurk' is hardly the term!

For a speaker like this, a zero-feedback amplifier will need a little help. Fortunately there are two things going for you- the first is that the speaker is an ESL and the second is that there is a way to deal with the impedance.

The ZERO is the way to deal with the impedance and will allow any zero-feedback amplifier to operate the speaker so long as the amp is able to make enough power into a benign load.

The fact that the speaker is an ESL means that the speaker is expecting the amp to make constant power regardless of the load impedance of the speaker (which is why transistors for the most part tend to sound bright on ESLs). The ZERO will present the amplifier with the benign load that we are looking for, and a zero-feedback amplifier will have the proper 'constant power' characteristic.

Class A is important here as a zero-feedback amplifier does not have feedback to reduce distortion. Distortion is reduced by other means- class A is certainly one of those ways as it is the lowest distortion class of operation known to man. Feedback oddly enough causes some types of audibly undesirable distortions and so you are seeing a good number of manufacturers, tube and solid state, that eschew the technique. To do so means that component quality and topology suddenly got a lot more important to the overall success of the amplifier!

So the answer to the thread is: both are almost equally important.
I expect digging around the archives could lead you to a respectable body of opinion, especially if you widen your search to include other ML models which have similar minimum impedance levels.

The argument of zero negative feedback and Class A are also in the archives (with lots of contribution from the aforementioned Ralph, a respected designer who also makes for an interesting read when he gets involved in a thread). Long story short, I expect a great deal of the result of using one, both, or neither attribute successfully is about implementation, not about inherent characteristics.

And with regard to the 5 watts, unless you listen to thrash metal or bass drums constantly, the vast majority (in terms of minutes listened) of what you listen to will probably not exceed a 5 watt pull, it's just that some of it will, and when it does, it will exceed that by a long way, so yes, you need more wattage than that.
Great responce,to the tread,can we talk about specific amps! What about Manley's adjustable feedback? I think it's on the mahi mahi,or any feelings on simaudio's I-5? Then again how important is tube biasing? Some amps bias the tubes as a group others individually,and primluna has a patent on there auto bias that I think Biases constantly and to a much more refined degree hence there great sound,all this said I haven't heard any of these amps yet,I would like some input about them and how they my suit my martin Logan's Aerius speakers,(I need to keep price levels at a maxium of $3000,so some amps like Pathos that has both zero feed back and is class A (Pathos TT) is not in the running for me because of price,thanks Nick