Personal amp evolution

Seeing the over night success of the speaker evolution thread, it may be interesting to see what type of amp(s) we have all run. Same deal as the other thread-we will sort of create a puzzle of our systems you'll have to visit multiple threads to put everything together!!! ;)
For me I started:
Adcom GFA-565 monoblocks
Rotel RB-990bx
Jeff Rowland Design Group Model 5
Balanced Audio Technology(BAT) VK-60

either a CAT JL2, BAT VK-75se or Tenor 75Wp on the horizon.
A series of Rotel, Arcam and Musical Fidelity integrated during college years, graduated to Primare, Krell and Densen integrated, Densen pre and power combos, including the 350 mono's, a brief spell with Clearaudio balance pre/power, Pathos Inpol, Graaf Model One and 5050 power-amp, Graaf 13.5 and GM 100, Karan Acoustics KA Line and 270 power - DIVORCE - back to Densen (B-200/B-310) and now Audio Analogue Bellini-Donizetti (x2) combo. When I upgrade, either higher-end Audio Analogue gear or Audia Pre/50-100 combo.
started with a deck/amp unit with speakers as a kid, then went seperates
Teleton SAQ15
Consort 20/20 (some obscure brand in the 70's from a high volume retailer)
Arcam A60, had this for years.....then heard tube, and never went back, well I did, backwards in technology
Leak TL12+
Home built Williamson 15 watt amp
Leak stereo 60
Radford STA100
currently using
Ming Da MC34AB and ASL Monsoon Mk1 with AQ1600pre amp
Electrocompaniet AW-120DMB stereo amplifier (Used to own)
Mark Levinson No.332 Stereo Amplifier (Used to own)
Mark Levinson No.33H Monaural Amplifiers (Used to own)
Krell Master Reference Amplifiers (Currently own)
Tube Research Labs Platinum GTR 800 Mono Amplifiers (Waiting for delivery)
Dynaudio Arbiter Mono Amplifiers (Waiting for delivery)
Kenwood integrated/high school > JVC receiver college> Adcom 5802 until 1 year ago, then I was cured of transistor disease.
In my now tubulous audiophile life, I have a vintage, fully serviced (new caps, tubes) Berning 230 amp (30WPC) in my main system and a new Music Reference 10MKII with V-caps in the bedroom system. I which I had been cured sooner. I walked the earth like a zombie listening to equally zombied out transistorized music for decades. Hyperbole aside, the imaging, body, and to use the cinematic phrase "suspension of disbelief" that I am listening live is meaningfully closer with carefully chosen tube gear vs transistors. Merry Christmas all.