Is this bad?

My modified Ming Da MC34-b has outputs for 4 ohm and 8 ohm speakers. Well my speakers are rated at 6.5 ohms. Is it proper to use them with the 8 ohm jacks?

The reason I ask, last night I noticed noise for the first time, then it got louder. I noticed one of the output tubes was glowing much brighter than the others.

Maybe this is a bad tube instead?

Sorry for the lack of specifics, I'm new here...
Select the output taps based on sonic's. Electrically it won't make much difference unless your speakers have a significant minumum impedence, in which case the 4ohm taps will probably sound best (control the bass).

The tube issue you mention is totally independent of the tap issue. You have either a bad tube or a biasing issue I suspect. It could be either. Are these new tubes or have you been using them for a long time and one is just now acting up? Have you checked the bias on these tubes lately?
The amplifier was a recent AudiogoN classifieds purchase. The seller indicated that the bias was set just prior to packaging. The tubes are fairly new.
Do you know how to bias the tubes? If not you should find out and check the bias on the tube. Perhaps the distributor can give you this information if your don't have a manual.

You could have a potential major tube failure in your future which might damage some amp's resistors. Unfortunately I don't think just dropping in new tubes without re-baising is a thing you want to do either. I wouldn't recommend that you continue to use the amp until your solve this issue.
I'm thinking I'll rotate a tube from a different socket, and test it out just long enough to see if it follows the tube.

Apparently the amp needs to be biased by a technician. I could handle it with proper instructions.

Thanks for the info!
Here is a possibility, assuming that the guy you bought this from was honest about biasing before sale. I'm sure you thought about it...If he did it, he knows how, can tell you how, can tell you the optimum bias point, you can get a meter and check it out. Not to be grim, but I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't have this info. Quite a few Chinese amps have made it to our shores w/out manuals, bias instructions, etc, making maintenance difficult for non techies. Good luck.