Is the moscode 600 a great amplifier?

Hi there,

I'm planing to buy a Moscode 600 power amp. I found a lot of reviews on the web, but they're quite mixed: some are lukewarm if not bad (a reviewer said it's a "low" fi!!), others are nice.
Anyone can tell me his experience with this special amp? In particular, does it really match well with inefficient speakers?


I was auditioning a pair of speakers and heard the Moscode head to head with the Van Alstine hybrid amp. The Van Alstine smoked it.
I have had mine for almost 20 years.It is very reliable,a good match with current hungry speakers.It sounds much much better when used with Speltz Zero autoformers.
Sound is mediocre minus-but warm with mosfet mist.
Good, powerful amp. Let the price speak for itself. A 300 wpc amp for what moscodes sell for???
Several years back, I owned the Moscode 300 (in fact, two of them). I had the opportunity to compare a burned in 600 with the 300. To my ears, the all tube 600 sounded somewhat soft in comparison with the hybrid 300. It simply lacked the life of the 300, and I quickly found myself dissatisfied with its presentation. This said, the old tastes differ assertion might apply here.

What speakers were you listening to and what did you like better about the Van Alstine? Thanks for any info.
