Is the moscode 600 a great amplifier?

Hi there,

I'm planing to buy a Moscode 600 power amp. I found a lot of reviews on the web, but they're quite mixed: some are lukewarm if not bad (a reviewer said it's a "low" fi!!), others are nice.
Anyone can tell me his experience with this special amp? In particular, does it really match well with inefficient speakers?


I bought both my 600's in the late 80's and had the first one modified in the 90's.

There are a number of advantages to the modified amps. Better binding posts, and inputs as mentioned above. The protection circuit is taken out of the audio path, and on, and on.

But even the stock amp is very good.

You can come very close to the current Moscode at a fraction of the price. Some of the mods are easily done by a moderate DIY'er.

If modified (by George) you can do a lot of tube rolling.

I have Russian NOS (1979 & 1982) 6H30p-DR in the input positions and Ediswan NOS EC88 in the driver position of the channels connected to the stats and 6GU7 in the drive position of the woofer channels.

Tube regulation DOES make a difference (therefore the 600). With Martin Logan Prodigy and ribbon super tweeters I still don't hear MOSFET mist. It could be my ears or my setup with the modified amps.

Perreaux, Belles, Pass and other well thought of (including the new Moscode at $6,500+) use MOSFET output.

Just as SS doesn't necessarily have to be hard and brittle or tube don't have to be sweet and gentle. I don't believe all MOSFETs have to be "misty".

My system with two modified NYAL Moscode 600's;
As to comments above about Autofomers.

The 600's always sounded WONDERFUL into dynamic drivers, modified or not.

When I first went to E-stats they did NOT sound that good. I almost got rid of them. I went to some VTL mono blocks (160) they were only marginally better. It wasn't entirely the amps. It was partially the entire system.

In an effort to get the VTL's to sound good I eventually went to autoformers. It did not do much for the VTL's but I eventually brought one of my Moscodes out of a year's retirement in the garage and tried it with the Autoformers. Holly ***t, there was the glory of the Moscodes that I remembered, as I upgraded the system, including speaker wire, the Moscodes eventually sounded better without the Autoformers and I moved them along.

So, given the speakers you are using, a good Moscode 600 will kick ***t and two in vertical biamp should blow you away.

Hope that helps.

It's just a term used for the lack of transparency some MOSFET amps posess Baranyi.
Replace the tubes with either Siemens E188CC/7308 or CCa, and the sound will be transformed greatly. Then there's the upgrade path as well: ( People don't ususally bother with modding products that aren't worth it in the first place. If you are stuck on SS amps- Don't let the slight "mist" of the MOS-FET bother you. That's a great improvement over the grain, glare and edge that bi-polar transistors exhibit. Yes- The Hafler TransNova 9505 is a great SS amp also(I power my woofers with one). FET front-end instead of the tubes, pure class A, fully differential, and MOS-FET outs(also slightly "misty". That "mist" takes a trained pair of ears to notice, BTW.