Tube amps and speaker ohms

In your opinion , do push pull amps work better with 8 ohms or 4 ohms. .I am under the impression the lower the ohms, the more power is demanded from the amp....Another question, are there low powered SET amps ,and high power SET amps?
I'm looking at a 40 watt 845 tube amp for my 8 ohm, 89 db speaker.. just cked the Thor has a 86 db W18 midwoofers(2 per cabinet) and a 88 db tweeter. Will an 845 amp rated 40 watts be able to drive the 86/88 db speaker? With authority, bass, mids, highs, in dynamic sound stage? Synergy? Or poor match?
Tvad, all the time I had the JOR i never thought to bias the unit to see if I could get a tad more highs. Now that i have the Defy 7, if there is something I don;'t like about the sound, i'll look into biasing the unit. But since the amp has few hours on it, should I bias the amp? It should be biased correctly with few hours use. I've never heard tube amps need biasing regularly. I should look into how to bias the defy 7. Not even sure how to go about it. There is a wooden board at the bottom. Will have mt tech friend assist me first time.
Also I learned the JOR had a pre out and never took advantage of in use with a sub. I will have Tyler replace the woofer in his Taylo with a Seas Excel W26. And so will keep my Thor's, which I had for sale 3 days last week.
The things we learn, one must research and think for oneself of all the options avaliable.
If the Defy is not autobiasing, then it requires biasing the first time you install it and power it up. Then, the bias should be checked at least monthly thereafter. Why? Because tubes age, and the bias shifts. Autobiasing amps take care of this for you.

Your amp's manual will explain the biasing procedure.
I just checked the biasing on my TAD-60 as I just changed an output tube and had to make adjustments to get the balance right as it did not sound right after I changed the tubes. Turned out I had to readjust two out of three tubes. Then I checked the sound and it sounded nice and balanced again... So, I agree with TVAD that you have to check the bias either every six months as Paul Gryzbek recommends or when the music doesn't sound balanced... On the TAD-60, Paul supplies you with a $10 meter and gives you instructions on biasing the unit. On the 07s, the biasing meter is on the unit...

Tvad, ROTFLMAO. Don't hang around any crosses. You are far too nice.

Bartockfan, may I suggest that before you burden the forum readers further with your 'experience' using tubes that you take some time to read about tube technology and get some understanding of whats actually going on. You might just learn what the benefits of properly biasing tubes are and what the risks of not properly biasing your tubes are. Its got nothing to do with getting "a tad more highs" as you seem to think.
Hmm, I was just about to buy my first tube amp but am unsure now, after reading this thread. I'd be grateful for any comments on whether the following would work together.

My speakers are B&W 804S's - 3 way vented box design. They are rated as having a 90db sensitivity and a 'normal' impedance of 8 ohms. But, the minimum is impedance is quoted as being 3.0 ohms. I know that some say they need a powerful amp to work at their best, but they have been fine with my 35wpc Class A Sugden A21SE.

The amp I was thinking of purchasing (to get a taster of tube amps) is a Yaqin MC-100B. This is a chinese brand and employs 4 x KT88 tubes. It is rated at 65wpc in ultralinear mode, or 45wpc (into 8ohms) in its standard mode. I'm not clear what ultralinear is all about, but do you think this combo would work?