Krell Service

Love to hear turn around times you have recently experienced at the Krell factory service dept.
I just sent a cd player in for service. They have had it for almost two weeks, given that was over New Year's, but their latest response is it will be another 2-3 weeks to get a response on what is the problem and what the cost will be. I am not happy with this kind of service from a hi-end manufacturer.
Sent a DT-10 transport in. The response was about 2 weeks but try to do better. That is a reasonable amount of time for me to wait. I was able to talk to the service dept. supervisor a few times. Very friendly and helpful. The transport came back working like new. Krell has among the best follow-through and cusomer service that I've dealt with in any business. Today most companies wont pick up the phone much less return calls. I dont believe that you will ever see this happen with Krell. A very good experience and I intend to be a Krell customer for many years.
Togo, sometimes Krell gets busy and takes a long time to respond. I'm waiting on a Krell CDP to be replaced. It's been two weeks with no real reply.

Other times I had with them have been a pleasure. I think they maybe short staffed now.

Anyone else know anything?

You are one of the lucky ones. I dont question the friendliness of the staff, they are friendly. We are just going on 5 weeks now since they had my player and the only response I have is....they can't tell me when they can even look at it for evaluation.

So now I have been without music for 5 weeks, who knows when they will look at it (will it be months or weeks??). If you call this great service I would hate to see bad service in your book.
I sent my SACD player for repair,and it was returned to me in less than three weeks,and the repair was done under warranty.
The other times that I have had other Krell equipment repaired,it was done in a very timely manner,and done well.
I consider Krell to be very good.