Krell Service

Love to hear turn around times you have recently experienced at the Krell factory service dept.
looks like my KPS 20i will be ready in a few days.
It's unfortunate that someone has to ruffle some feathers to get something done at krell these days.
the latest i've heard is that future turn-around time is up to 8-10 weeks.It use to be 2-3 weeks.
Hey Dan hire some techs or make the new stuff a little better so your service dept. is not so bogged down.
My thanks to Steve at krell though as he gets things done right.
Ok, my KAV280cd has now been there since December 27th. I have still not been given a time when they can even look at it. That is coming up on 7 WEEKS with no answer!!!!! Woohooo, boy am I glad I bought a Krell!! What service....
I heard from Krell last Friday after 4 weeks of sending my failing SACD Standard and I'm getting a new version 3 for a pretty $$$ to upgrade. It will take a month and 1/2 for it to come in since it's back ordered. I found out they are under staffed at the moment.
I was told I would get my amp back in three maybe four weeks. It has been a month now and Patrick told me they have not had time to even look at it yet. I can see from this board that I am not alone when it comes to poor communication and poor service. That is not going to bode well for their future unless something gets turned abound soon.

Obviously they have problems right now. Perhaps if they got their heads out of the clouds and started selling equipment that is not $30,000 their sales would pick up. I mean what is DD thinking about?