Cary 120s...anyone heard this amp

Hi All,

I was curious if any of you have heard the new Cary 120s amplifier. If you have heard it what do you think?

Jdec, Visit Audio Asylem and read a recent thread by a couple of users and you will see that their views are in contrast to the posters in this thread. I have no idea which set of views are representative of the sellers on A-Gon.
They are good for the price you can get them for. Powerful yet tubey. There are several authorized dealers who let them go new well below msrp. Cary knows this and lets their best dealers cut great deals.
Newbee, thanks, I just read that thread. Too bad to read those comments regarding this amp as I was very interested in it.
Unfortunately not enough people know about Cary and how good they really are. They blow away amps costing 10-20 times more, but who would admit it if they spent that kind of money on something? I love the one I have, and would not take less than 4750 for it. People need money for things right now, and there will be a lot of things sold cheaper in the not too distant future. As I stated before, I haven't worked in 27 months, or I'd buy another just to have it. I just don't want to sell my gold right now. Guess it's time to look for a job.