Leaving DAC on all the time OK?

I have a Museteax IDAT that I leave on all the time. The power button is on the back of it and the DAC sits in my cabinet so it is difficult to turn it off. When the transport is off the dac is trying to lock onto a signal. Since their isn't any signal the blue led light on the dac blinks. Am I wearing out the dac prematurely? How long before the unit needs to be serviced? Thanks in advance. Phil Brady.
No, leave it on all the time. It will sound better. You don't need be be concerned about excessive wear.
Any dac I've ever had either had no power switch or had the switch on the back. My own opinion is leaving them on all the time is fine.
Why not just leave the transport on also? Neither component consumes much power idle, so no real harm to the environment or your electric bill.