Not Another NuForce thread......

Ok, first I am not shill or related to, or affiliated with NuForce in any way...I just thought that we should have a thread to discuss the V2...

I just placed the Reference 9 SE "V2" in my system after living with the NuForce 9 SE for the past year and auditioning the Reference 9 V2 for the past 2 months...

I am putting out there for comment and debate that the Reference 9 SE V2 is one of the top 5 best amplifiers out there and currently available. (I personally think that it one of the top 3, but I am leaving room for argument)

Sitting in my room last night I was reminded of one of those transforming audio experiences. My first ones was couple of hours with the Sinus Faber Amati Homage pushed with a full compliment of the top of the line ML gear all with in a perfectly treated room....My experience with the Reference 9 SE V2 was like that...

Please comment if you are able on the V2 in general, what was your experience?? Are your thought of the Reference 9 SE V2 the same??

I am a new force dealer. I also sell one of the most regarded American made solid state amplifiers on the market, this particular amplifier costs $21,000.00 is hand made, runs class A/B and is a 300 watt power house, this amplifier line is beloved by Harry Person and the staff of the Absolute Sound. I also sell a very well respected line of Class A solid state amplifiers as well which are imported and are also well regarded.

I was a new force sceptic, I started with the original Nuforce Model 9 which I liked but honestly I didn't love.

Then the Mike Silverton review of the Se version came out where he compared and bought the 9Se over the huge class A Levinson 33H! At that point my curiosity was piqued so I bought a pair. The 9Se were much better sounding they had a liquid midrange plus the same speed and transparency and bass punch.

I then decided to show the Nuforce amplifiers at the HE 2007 show. Nuforce was excited to be one of our show partners as they had just released the V2 versions and wanted to show them off.

Long story short we produced some very, very, good sound. Many HE 2007 show goers said we had some of the best sound at the show, and our entire room cost half to a third of the price other guys rooms!

The Nuforce Version 2 amplifiers are a true breakthrough, compared with amplifiers which are four times the price the Nuforce in most respects sounds better, these amplifiers really are very special. I have to agree with JB8312, I would compare the Nuforce with many of the 20k and above amplifiers, in fact I am actively searching to find an amplifier which really does outperform these little marvels.

By the way, I worked in high ened retail for 20 years before opening my own shop. I have played with most of the top five amplfiers, and I would disagree with the assertion that there are a hundred top five amplifiers.

I would rate the current top tier amp companies in no particular order: Boulder, Vitus haven't heard but by reputation, Plinius, Edge, BAT, Halcro, Sim, Pass and Lamm.

I would add Nuforce to that very honored list, they are that good!
The V2 versions provided me about 30% improvement over the Special Edition amps. Arbitrarily speaking of course.

But 9rw brings up a very good point. A truly revealing componenent absolutely must be indiscriminate about what it reveals, whether it's musical information, time smear from the ics and scs, grunge from improper or no line conditioners, or perhaps improper vibration management and/or a just a crappy cdp.

Sadly, as 9rw shared in his experience, most of us know least one or more just like him with systems that exemplify one or more of these deficiencies that often times lead the less informed to think the zingy highs or fatiguing sound must be due to the Nuforce amp or whatever other revealing and potentially musical component may be under scrutiny.

9rw, in your own words would you care to describe the zingy highs you heard? Also, please list the components in your system including line conditioners and whichever vibration methodology chosen, and associated products you are using.

Surely, amongst those here one or more of us should be help you get your system on right track. That's what I like about this forum.

there are alot of amplifiers that sound incredible for $5000.
if you take into account the used market, that becomes "a whole lot of amplifiers". as for $20k and above, that usually (okay, they could be hand-built of course) buys you more watts and/or more current into often-times non-existent loads. a pass aleph-3 (30W/ch) will knock most people's socks off for $1000. for $2000 (please correct me if i'm a bit off here), so will a used VTL ST-150. talk about flavor of the month. i've owned some embarrassingly expensive amps, and they made ME (just me) very happy. i've also enjoyed listening to an $1800 Sonus Faber Musica which will more than do justice to SF-Guarneri speakers. i also trust jb8312's ears when he says he loves the sound coming from his present system. i just wish he hadn't used the expression "one of the top 5". stereophile once exclaimed on the COVER that HALCRO-58'S were the best amplifier in the world(?!) yeah, and Motor Trend contends that a model XYZ ferrari goes 5mph faster than a model ZYX porsche... who cares?...
Stehno: You're still a NuForce dealer, aren't you? I'd imagine that your Legacy speakers are less fatiguing in the high end than those Aerial 10Ts that you used to consider a reference. I'd say they're a whole lot more coherent, too. But perhaps that's your preference. No problem with that.

My system? It's a GNSC-modified Wadia 861se (Reference mod), an Audio Research VT100MKIII and Von Schweikert VR-4Srs. I also have a REL Stadium III and a pair of Dunlavy SC-IIs that I pull out of the closet now and then and am amazed at the brilliance of John Dunlavy . Hard to beat those speakers for the money. My cables are Cardas Neutral Reference (XLR interconnects) and Acoustic Zen Satori (shotgun bi-wire). I use a Kimber Palladian PK-10 on the Wadia with an Audio Magic power conditioner. The Wadia is on a spiked Target stand and sits on Black Diamond cones.

So how many versions of the NuForce amps are there by now? I've lost count. And, by the way, are you now a Legacy dealer, too?