Not Another NuForce thread......

Ok, first I am not shill or related to, or affiliated with NuForce in any way...I just thought that we should have a thread to discuss the V2...

I just placed the Reference 9 SE "V2" in my system after living with the NuForce 9 SE for the past year and auditioning the Reference 9 V2 for the past 2 months...

I am putting out there for comment and debate that the Reference 9 SE V2 is one of the top 5 best amplifiers out there and currently available. (I personally think that it one of the top 3, but I am leaving room for argument)

Sitting in my room last night I was reminded of one of those transforming audio experiences. My first ones was couple of hours with the Sinus Faber Amati Homage pushed with a full compliment of the top of the line ML gear all with in a perfectly treated room....My experience with the Reference 9 SE V2 was like that...

Please comment if you are able on the V2 in general, what was your experience?? Are your thought of the Reference 9 SE V2 the same??
>>Reviews say that as good as they are the latest version is even better. I have the faith.<<

"A foolish faith in authority is the worst enemy of the truth"
-Albert Einstein
When discussing any piece of gear; the question always is, compared to what? Reviews that paint a broad brush (as they so often do) often lead people into this false hope that any piece out there that is just plop and drop short of a miracle. Everyone wants a 'giant killer'. Everyone wants a lot for not much green down; yet at the end of the day it all boils down to experience, expectations, taste, and intelligent system planning.
Hi Rumadian, have you had occasion of comparing the latest NewForce and H2O Signature 150 or any other class D/T amp? What are your impressions? Do you see any 'giant killer's in any of the new technology amps?
this is the thing with nuforce gear in my experience, and others i have seen. ref 9 was a very good amp in my system. then nuforce released SE, and the reviewers gave good press to that upgrade, and with mine and others that i have read here on the Internet the press was right. now as nuforce upgrades there entire amp line with V2. reviewers got first taste of this technology. and as of yet not one negative anything, now that regular audiophiles are getting V2 more of the same. fine gear.
no doubt any given piece of gear is not for everyone. yet when it comes to nuforce and class d amps people want to knock them. man if you are happy with your system god bless you, and enjoy.
for me i'm happy with my nuforce amps and preamp. and this thread is for people who are getting or have V2 to share there thoughts.
why the responses to this thread that have nothing to do with what it was started for.
start or add info to threads that interest you for the gear you have.
Stltrains, my amps are 2 20 years old JRDG 7M golden giants, and I am starting to get an education in view of upgrading, hence my presence on this and other related threads. I am intrigued by potential of class D/T. Yet I am a seeker, never a 'believer'. For me NewForce is yet another device worth examining. . . critically, that is. . . like everything else I listen to, including the gear I own and love, and any amp that I may have fallen in love but do not own. If audiophiles love Newforce, I wish to find out why, when and how. What amps have they compared it to? What were the differences? Pros and cons? Makes sense?