Looking for a first Tube Amp for under $1000

What would you turn to? I've read some very positive comments on the Onix SP3, Jolida JD-502b and the ASL AQ1003DT. What would be a good first amp which is easy to use (setting bias)? I mainly listen to rock and jazz and the amp would originally be played through a pair of Bose 301-IV speakers.
If you are interested in a Dynaco ST-70 I would highly recommend the ones made by Bob Latino here on Audiogon. After being a solid state person since the early seventies I purchased one of them as my first tube amp a few months ago and I am very happy. They are under your budget. Mine sounds great. Bob's are all new from the ground up and use the VTA driver board and all new parts including the chassis so you don't have to worry about old parts failing. And he gives them a one year warranty as well. I have no connection to Bob other than meeting him here on Audiogon and being a customer but I don't think you can do much better for around 800 bucks. I got the KT-88 version and it puts out around 40 wpc and to me sounds great. As a bonus Bob is a really nice person to work with.
Listen to Oz and Troyca, if that RM9 is available snag it. You simply cannot do better than that. In fact, with some minor tweaks here and there I am not sure one can do much better at any price point in a PP design.
I agree with the TAD-60 since it is so versatile. It allows you to hear a variety of tubes, it has on the fly feedback and on the fly switching between UL and triode modes. It can also be used as an amp or a single input integrated. I learned a lot about tube amps by owning one of these.