Preamps w/ best transparency/top end, no brightnes

In your experience, what preamps, preferably tube and with both line and phono capability, have the best combination of transparency and top end extension without having a distant image and sounding bright or excessively lean ? Thank you very much.
In my experience, Shindo, Jadis (at least the JP200 I own, though my older JP80 was not nearly as extended in the highs or transparent) and the best VAC preamps have these qualities. The Shindo preamps are the first I have heard that have made me consider selling my JP200 (in large part in order to have one box instead of 4, but in order for me to consider the change they had to match the Jadis from a sonic perspective as well), though they won't work in my current setup, as they aren't really intended for driving a signal through 40 feet of interconnects.
May I suggest the following (I own both):
1)Tube preamp: Sonic Frontiers Line 2SE+ (upgraded by Chris Johnson of PCX). Crystal clear detailed extended top end without any harshness at all. Terrific mids and deep bottom end to boot. You'll have to add an external phono amp.
2) Solid state preamp: Bryston BP26 it is different in musical presentation from the SF but strangely enough the same comments apply. This pre is available with your choice of MM or MC phono stage, I find this pre to be accurrate, fast and very enjoyable to listen to.

Both the above are great preamps that are extremely enjoyable to listen to especialy with well recorded material. You will get lost in the music!

ARC REF 3 !!! If you don't believe the reviews then just give it a try. You won't regret it !!
A real sleeper is the Gill Audio Alana. You might have to wait for one though.