Pass Labs XA-160 vs Levinson 33H

I have a sneaky feeling that my beloved XA160 amps may not be the perfect match for my ARC Ref 3 preamp. I am also a little worried that I could use a tad more power though I am less worried about this than I am about the impedance match between my pre and amp.

Anyway, could anyone please let me know their thoughts on the 33H? How does it sound? I have read that Levinson can be cold and clinical. I love how my XA160 produces clean, organic music. I dont want to give this up. I am looking for feedback (good and bad) on the 33H. Any direct comparison between the Pass to the Levinson would be highly useful. Also, anyone using a REF 3 with the 33H?

Thanks in advance.
pubul57, I personally feel that amps have the least influence on the sound so I would be more willing to change my amps and keep my Ref 3.
I have to disagree on your comment of amps having the least influence on the sound. As someone once said, the preamp is the heart of your system and the amp is your brain. The amp and speaker synergy is just as important as the impedance matching of your amp and preamp. You can have a bad matching amp for your speakers and your system will sound bad no matter how good your preamp is. That's why we call it a "system".
Both are outstanding amps and rank among the world's best. Lack of power is more of an issue with the efficiency of your speakers than preamp impedance. Have you written Pass about the amp-preamp compatibility question? They're extremely responsive and helpful.
Love it when a dealer opines! Strange that such posts appear. A grain of salt is recommeded.
The amp is your brain? This comment makes no sense. Could you please elaborate?