tube pre suggestion

Hi Everyone,

I'm currently running an all nuforce system with the P8 preamp and the ref 9SE (currently v1, soon to be v2) amps. I have this hooked to Thiel PCS speakers.

I'd like to dump the nuforce pre and try something else. I've heard that a tubed pre is the way to go with my amps...a buddy of mine who I trust heard the Modwright SWL 9.0 SE with the nuforce amps and said it was incredible.

I'm new to experimenting with preamps--my other system has a Krell integrated so I've never needed to play with in this area. Any suggestions on where to start? My budget is $1500-$2k, and I'm thinking used market exclusively to maximize my value.

Comments from the Audiogon Gurus are appreciated!
I would guess that you prefer a very accurate, detailed and neutral sound. That's how I imagine your system must sound with the NuForce/Thiel combination. If you want to stay with this sound, then the First Sound Presence Deluxe II or Modwright 9.0SE are good choices.

If you want something that sounds a little rounder, and perhaps just a little softer in the highs, I'd suggest a Lamm LL2 Deluxe. The Joule and VAC would also move in this direction.
Take a look on the Audio Horizons threads. I don't think you can beat their preamps, and you get to try them for free. They certainly seem like a great value to me, from those that I respect highly. Note: I'm currently enthralled with a ARC Ref 3 preamp, which does not fall into your budgetary lines.


08-29-07: Jmcgrogan2
Take a look on the Audio Horizons threads. I don't think you can beat their preamps...

Is this comment based on having heard an AH preamp in your system?

I'm curious to hear one, but in four days since sending an email to the AH representative, I have yet to receive a reply. Mute or Balance features are common on preamps costing $3000+, and the AH lacks them. I like having these features.

Still, the ability to hear it in one's system essentially for free is an excellent opportunity.
Take a look on the Audio Horizons threads. I don't think you can beat their preamps, and you get to try them for free.

Of course you can beat them! But they are a great deal for the money.

Although I never got to audition an Audio Horizons pre, due to some shipping complications, I can tell you Victor and Joseph are outstanding folks. Be patient if you haven't received a reply yet, Victor volunteers his help as chief communicator because Joseph's English is limited. Hope this helps a bit.