tube pre suggestion

Hi Everyone,

I'm currently running an all nuforce system with the P8 preamp and the ref 9SE (currently v1, soon to be v2) amps. I have this hooked to Thiel PCS speakers.

I'd like to dump the nuforce pre and try something else. I've heard that a tubed pre is the way to go with my amps...a buddy of mine who I trust heard the Modwright SWL 9.0 SE with the nuforce amps and said it was incredible.

I'm new to experimenting with preamps--my other system has a Krell integrated so I've never needed to play with in this area. Any suggestions on where to start? My budget is $1500-$2k, and I'm thinking used market exclusively to maximize my value.

Comments from the Audiogon Gurus are appreciated!
Victor's e-mail address at Audio Horizon is: Unless he's traveling, I'm sure that he'll get back with you promptly. He's always been very responsive to my e-mails, unless he's on the road. Regarding the preamp's lack of mute switch and balance control, I don't know why Joseph didn't include them. I never bothered to ask as these two features weren't relevant to me. My guess on his omitting the balance switch is that it would degrade the sound. This preamp matches very well with my VAC Musicblocs.
Samgupta101: I have been running just about the same amps as you (Nuforce 9 modded by Reference Audio Mods to SE or better, but V1)along with the Modwright pre for a year now and am extremely satisfied with what I hear. My speakers are Von Schweikert VR4 jrs. The main tweaking I've done is with the tubes in the pre...the Sylvania GB65687s work best for me...but there are other choices and the tubes are fairly inexpensive...and only two of them. Interconnects seem to play a significant role too; I'm now using Acoustic Zen Mattrix Reference II over Audience Au24 and Speltz ICs. I do think it has alot to do with your ears and the system front end. My take on Nuforce and a tube preamp is that with the detail the Nuforces deliver to say this...body/weight/bloom a tubed pre's a great match and it works for me. Good luck!
Look into the Musical Designs SP2B...entry level price is $1000 and wonderfully upgradeable later on. It's a sleeper and often goes unnoticed. Its price \ performance ratio is remarkable.
08-29-07: Tvad

Is this comment based on having heard an AH preamp in your system?

To be honest, no I have not heard one in my system Grant. I have heard one in a friend's system though. I also have two 'cyber-friends' who swear by them. It was the lack of running fully balanced and lack of remote (which I've heard has since been cured) that kept me from buying one of Joseph's preamps. I do have first hand knowledge of his work though, as my cd player was modified by Joseph Chow.

If anyone has a classic vintage tuner from the 70's or earlier, Joseph can work miracles with his mods on these. I have a 1977 Harman/Kardon Citation Eighteen( Joseph mod) that is currently my favorite source. I have it cranked up right now to some classic jazz on my local NPR station 88.5.