dedicated electrical line

I recently read somewhere that a dedicated electrical line is recommended for some tube amps because of the amount of current they can draw. I have Joule VZN 100s on the way. My home was renovated about 10 years ago - new electrical system was installed at that time.Should I be concerned - not looking forward to trying to explain this one if a dedicated line needs to be installed.
So, if you cannot install a dedicated line, is the next best thing a power conditioner?

It is supposed to filter out all of the noise from appliances - isn't it?

I know power re-generation is probably the ultimate alternative, but it's BIG$$$

What are the drawbacks of conditioners?

When I read up on power conditioners , I found that they impart their signature or had a sound . Just the same as anything else in the system chain .

I am assuming that you do have some interference problems , or noise , coming from your speakers . Can you identify the culprit ? Is it possible to eliminate the problem during listening sessions by unplugging or turning off the power ? Just a thought .

Good luck .
If 6' is the minimum (between rods) what's max? When does it become a different "ground" and a potential (pun) hazard? My power is fine, just interested.
Dedicated lines may be better and may also be cheaper than power conditioners. I've only heard a few times that conditioners made the sound better, but dedicated lines almost always improve the sound, although the change may be subtle.

Congrats on your Joules- nice amps.