Fourier Panthare opinions

Anyone having a opinion on these amps I would like to hear it; thinking of a pair for my soundlab m2's.
Hi everyone,
I own a pair of these wonderful amplifiers. The thread of one of the speaker connectors is damaged. I'd like to know if anyone knows where I can buy a new set? They are made of solid copper. I once saw a pair very similar in a web site but, didn't take note.
I appreciate your help.

Thanks a lot!
A late reply perhaps but I replaced all speaker binding posts with Cardas connectors. I also made a second speaker binding post with Cardas wire and Cardas connectors since I have to biwire my speakers. Very good. I also replaced the fans with new quiet fans. This is all helpfull.
Keep them rolling!
Hodelrecords how are they performing for you and what speakers are you driving?
Yes they perform now for over one year without interuption. I have to admit that many things that could cause trouble has been replaced now (caps etc). They are still driving my Avalon Ascents II without autoformer. Amazing combination that deserves the best wire,pre amps and sources available.